(989) 835-8260

Did you know that late summer / early fall is also the best time of year to either plant a new lawn or renovate an existing lawn?

That’s right.  Mid-August through the end of September produces the ideal conditions for growing grass:  warm soil temperatures, cool nights, morning dews and natural rainfall.  However, the big advantage for new grass plants this time of year is that 90% of our annual weeds have already germinated, so your new grass seedlings don’t have to compete with the weeds!

These conditions are obviously a big plus if you’re planting a new lawn, or if you’re doing a full-blown renovation of an existing lawn.  And, late summer is also the best time for “lawn rejuvenation”.

“Lawn rejuvenation” is a process we use to strengthen and thicken existing lawns that are suffering from poor turf density and weak turf health.  These undesirable conditions are the result of things like poor soil, overly shady growing conditions, incorrect seed selection, soil compaction, improper watering and poor fertilization.

Our “Lawn Rejuvenation” process involves:

  • Aerating your lawn to break up compacted soil to improve the circulation of air, water and nutrients to the roots of the turf plants.
  • Over-seeding, and/ or slit-seeding, with a blend of grass seed tailored to the unique growing conditions of your yard.
  • Application of starter fertilizer specifically formulated to promote root growth and rapid turf establishment.

So contact us today if you’re interested in rejuvenating your tired, old lawn back into one that is greener, thicker and healthier.  Reder Landscaping is “the lawn expert” in the Midland, Bay City and Saginaw area, and our schedule is filling up fast.  So don’t wait!

P.S. Check back with us next week to learn about a new program being offered by Reder Landscaping to combat a persistent lawn problem in our area – Bent Grass!