(989) 835-8260

Mid to late summer is the time for pruning many varieties of shrubs.  During the late summer months, shrubs need to be pruned for shape, size and airflow as well as to remove dead flowers.  By pruning we increase the vigor, longevity and the amount of blooms on your flowering shrubs.  Some shrubs included in our summer pruning program are Deutzia, Spirea, Viburnum, Weigela, Barberry, Boxwood, Yew and Hydrangea, just to name a few.  To keep these shrubs healthy and performing their very best in your garden they need to be pruned annually.

Now let’s talk about one of the most popular plants in the landscape, hydrangeas.  Hydrangeas are a favorite shrub in Mid-Michigan landscapes with dozens of varieties that thrive in our climate.  Knowing the best way to care for your specific hydrangea is essential to guarantee they bloom beautifully each year.  Ensuring they have proper sunlight and ample water are key factors in the care for your hydrangeas but knowing the proper time to prune is crucial in the health and beauty of the plant.

We are in the process of completing our summer pruning over the next few weeks and certain varieties of hydrangeas are included.  If you have any Hydrangea Macrophylla also known as big leaf hydrangeas, late summer is the time to prune to ensure you are not cutting off new buds that will be produced in the fall and guarantee a plant full of blossoms the following year.

Feeling overwhelmed with the task?  Let our experts take care of the pruning for you.  We have certified, knowledgeable crews on staff so you can have peace of mind knowing your landscape is being properly cared for.  Call today or follow this link to get on our schedule for your late-summer prune.