Discover insights for all your outdoor home improvement projects. If you have any questions about how we can help with your landscape design and installation project just reach out!
Unexplained Tree Damage? Imprelis® May Have Been the Culprit
If you had unexplained tree damage that began after August 2010, it could be from an herbicide (weed killer) called Imprelis® and you could be part of a class action settlement. Imprelis® was used from August 31, 2010 to August 21, 2011 and was applied by lawn care...
Coming Soon to a Lawn Near You…. Crabgrass!
Crabgrass is one of the most prevalent and persistent weeds found in Mid-Michigan lawns. As a matter of fact, the Midland-Saginaw-Bay City area has the dubious distinction of holding the #2 ranking in the country (behind only Denver) for crabgrass! Crabgrass is a...
The Controversial Dandelion
After a wet, cold start to our spring here in Mid-Michigan, we have certainly had some beautiful weather as of late. It’s wonderful to see the landscape responding to the warm temperature and sunny days. Trees and shrubs are leafing out and blooming, and lawns are...
Governor Snyder Declares May “Plant Michigan Green Month”
Thanks to a campaign spearheaded by the Michigan Nursery & Landscape Association, Governor Snyder has proclaimed the month of May to be "Plant Michigan Green Month". Here’s the press release from Governor Snyder’s office: LANSING, Michigan (May 7, 2013) – The...
Walleyes for Warriors 2013
Reder Landscaping announces it's first year's involvement in sponsoring Walleyes for Warriors as a Silver Sponsor! We have a special place in our hearts for American Veterans, and we have some pretty good Reder fisherman, too! We're selective in the community events...
New! Water Features
The growing demand for landscape water features and waterscapes in the Midland and Great Lakes Bay Region area inspired us to devote an entire services category to them on our website. Water features have the power to transform an outdoor living space into a beautiful...
Save 10% on Bulk Mulch with Our Annual Spring Special
Get 10% Off all Bulk Mulch Orders Now Through May 31, 2013 - EXTENDED THROUGH JUNE 10 Beautiful Mulch - Delivered Fast (Installation Available) Forget hauling loads of poor-quality mulch from the gas station. We will deliver high quality mulch right to your door for...
Win 2 FREE Tickets! Taste of Home Cooking School 2013
Here's your once yearly opportunity to catch Steve and Patty in action at their homemade Salsa Bar (this recipe is gaining fame!). We'll be exhibiting at the Taste of Home Cooking School again this year on Wednesday, April 24. The show begins at 6:30, and we have 2...
We Won! 2013 Greatest of the Great Lakes Bay
Thank you! We were thrilled to hear the news that you voted for us as the best "Landscaper with a Vision" in this year's Greatest of the Great Lakes Bay reader's choice awards. To celebrate we're giving away 3 pairs of tickets to the gala event at the Temple Theatre...
Mid-Michigan’s Unpredictable Spring Weather
One thing about our Michigan weather that is certain -- every spring is different, and every spring is unpredictable. This couldn't be contrasted more than between Spring 2012, with early 80 degree weather, and Spring 2013, one of the wettest Spring's on record. We...