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It’s that time of year! And, this year there is another nice lineup of homes, styles & builders showcasing their projects on the annual Midland Home Builders Association Parade of Homes.
#7 on the parade in Midland at 3914 Morel Ct. features a fully established landscape with multiple inviting, outdoor living areas.
#9 on the parade in Linwood at 407 S. Linwood Beach features a newly installed Reder Landscape, designed by Reder Landscaping designer Mike Bombly. In fact, the project is completing just this week before the Parade of Homes begins! Even though newly installed and planted, you’ll be able to see the difference landscaping can make for a new home.
Did you know landscaping is often a foregone afterthought? But, designing landscaping ahead of time and into your new home plans can actually save you money! There will be opportunities with on-site materials and equipment that you may be able to take advantage of, and you definitely don’t want outdoor construction like walkways, patios, and drives to be installed and need or want to change them later. Learn more in this article.
We know what you’re thinking, building a new home is already a huge financial commitment. But, your entire landscaping project doesn’t need to be done at once… it should just be PLANNED so you can take advantage of opportunities during the building process of your home. If you are interested in phasing your landscaping in over time, check out this article on landscape phasing.